ContactIf you’re interested in finding out more about Ngarrimili and the programs we run, don’t hesitate to contact us on the form below.Type of Enquiry: General Enquiry Business Intake Name* First Name Last Name Email* Subject*Message* Δ Are you Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?What is your first and last name?What is your business name (if you already have one)What is your email? What is your mobile?What state do you live in? VIC NSW SA WA ACT NT QLD TAS What city/suburb do you live in? This data is helpful for us in targeting opportunities and workshops/events.Do you have a website? (if yes, can you please provide the URL)Do you have Facebook/Instagram/Linkedin? (if yes, can you please provide the details so we can follow your accounts)What industry are you/aspire to be operating in?What supports would you benefit from? Choose as many you like. Registering ABN or Business Name Registering a company Learning about business structures (e.g. sole trader, company, non profit etc.) Developing a logo and brand Developing a website Social media and marketing Accounting and finance Looking for grants Applying for grants/funding Photography Human Resources Advice Legal Advice Business Planning & Strategy Procurement Opportunities Administrative skills Wellbeing supports Life coaching supports Planning Copywriting Finding industry connections Something else - let’s yarn! Unsure - need to yarn! How did you hear about us?How do you want us to get in contact with you? Mobile Email Δ